The "Mr" gang running around in my head



In a previous post I've introduced you to Mr Grumpy. 

Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to Mr Mumble - although he doesn't say much and even when he does you might be hard pressed to understand him. 

He comes around to visit a couple of times - most days. Like a couple of my new 'friends' he often gives no warning - he's suddenly - just 'there'.

I can't be rude to him or get angry because that seems to encourage him to stay.  In fact when Mr Grumpy and Mr Mumble get together for a drink it can get pretty boring FAST.  And if Mr Forgetful turns up we're in for a big night out.

Luckily in my case when my medication is ON Mr Mumble tends to make himself scarce. 

Which is confusing for us all....

Mostly people are polite but sometimes people get frustrated with Mr Mumble, but (between you 'n me) not nearly as frustrated as I am with him.

All I want to do is say something once  - not two or, sometimes, three times!   But he sticks his oar in and whammo I'm a stuttering wreck.

At least I can still write good (sic)  :-)


Nearly 90% of individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) develop voice and speech disorders (dysarthria) in the course of their disease.  They may complain about a quiet or weak voice and about difficulties to get speech started. Further, they often report that they are asked to repeat their words because listeners have difficulties to understand although patients themselves may self-estimate their speech as loud and sufficiently articulated. Dysarthria can emerge at any stage of the disease and worsen in the later stages causing a progressive loss of communication and leading to social isolation.